so this is gonna be a short post. We analyzed 30K something saas websites across 400 something categories which we extracted from capterra.
This will help you see how you are doing as compared to the competitors in your category.
DR and RDs
DR is domain rating. Its a metrics from Ahrefs which shows how authoritative your website is acc. to ahrefs (not google). There used to be a metric from Google called pagerank but its no more accessible by webmasaters so DR is the next best thing.
RDs mean root domains. It tells you the number of different domains linking to your site. Its not as important as DR in my opinion
You can check your DR from here –
Category | Number of Sites | Average DR (Domain rating) | Average RD (referring domains) |
360 Degree Feedback Software | 48 | 30.29166667 | 333.9375 |
AB Testing Software | 31 | 52.61290323 | 4341 |
AML Software | 48 | 40.0625 | 1799.458333 |
API Management Software | 38 | 50.13157895 | 12227.65789 |
Account Based Marketing Software | 16 | 41.5625 | 3261.9375 |
Accounting Practice Management Software | 44 | 29.75 | 447.5909091 |
Accounting Software | 306 | 29.38562092 | 64151.06863 |
Accounts Payable Software | 61 | 30.26229508 | 1074.491803 |
Accounts Receivable Software | 24 | 27.5 | 493.5416667 |
Accreditation Management Software | 5 | 27 | 263.8 |
Ad Server Software | 39 | 46.05128205 | 18035.69231 |
Advertising Agency Software | 54 | 40.90740741 | 5818.796296 |
Affiliate Software | 59 | 45.42372881 | 1284.728814 |
Agile Project Management Tools Software | 16 | 36 | 5173.5 |
Anti-spam Software | 29 | 57.37931034 | 7365.862069 |
App Design Software | 38 | 49.31578947 | 5877.184211 |
Applicant Tracking Software | 223 | 33.88340807 | 1431.753363 |
Application Development Software | 333 | 44.72672673 | 25313.78679 |
Application Lifecycle Management Software | 26 | 40.73076923 | 1761.307692 |
Application Performance Management Software | 66 | 46.72727273 | 5687.166667 |
Appointment Scheduling Software | 117 | 36 | 372.8888889 |
Arborist Software | 9 | 15.88888889 | 66.44444444 |
Archiving Software | 22 | 43.36363636 | 2579.227273 |
Artificial Intelligence Software | 123 | 36 | 1062.766667 |
Assessment Software | 30 | 30.6 | 1216.833333 |
Asset Tracking Software | 51 | 30.25490196 | 607563.4902 |
Association Management Software | 41 | 32.90243902 | 226.3658537 |
Attendance Tracking Software | 126 | 24.78571429 | 3436.753968 |
Audience Response Software | 13 | 39.30769231 | 1633.923077 |
Audit Software | 112 | 29.27678571 | 946.6964286 |
Authentication Software | 24 | 48.125 | 15116.25 |
Auto Dialer Software | 10 | 20.1 | 234.6 |
Automated Testing Software | 137 | 38.43065693 | 1537.656934 |
Background Check Software | 32 | 36.8334163 | 25724.62006 |
Backup Software | 69 | 51.28985507 | 4130.289855 |
Bankruptcy Software | 6 | 16.66666667 | 105.3333333 |
Barcoding Software | 53 | 28.98113208 | 1451.433962 |
Benefits Administration Software | 67 | 33.70149254 | 598.9701493 |
Big Data Software | 71 | 42.46478873 | 1521.43662 |
Billing and Invoicing Software | 276 | 30.27536232 | 13156.73188 |
Billing and Provisioning Software | 76 | 24.81578947 | 352.4868421 |
Blog Software | 19 | 59.84210526 | 57839.78947 |
Board Management Software | 31 | 28.51612903 | 429.8387097 |
Bookkeeper Software | 28 | 31.10714286 | 2709.714286 |
Brand Management Software | 29 | 32.51724138 | 799 |
Brand Protection Software | 11 | 36.81818182 | 519.7272727 |
Budgeting Software | 62 | 17.77419355 | 269.2903226 |
Business Continuity Software | 104 | 38.61538462 | 2771.778846 |
Business Intelligence Software | 177 | 39.25988701 | 5999.19774 |
Business Management Software | 189 | 23.47089947 | 503.9470899 |
Business Performance Management Software | 62 | 28.72580645 | 1321.5 |
Business Phone Systems Software | 19 | 40.68421053 | 5865.210526 |
Business Plan Software | 22 | 25.95454545 | 472.7272727 |
Business Process Management Software | 157 | 31.27388535 | 64297.89809 |
CMDB Software | 10 | 54.4 | 4669.1 |
CMMS Software | 85 | 15.74117647 | 104.5411765 |
CPQ Software | 10 | 25.5 | 31290.3 |
Call Recording Software | 61 | 36.81967213 | 1095.196721 |
Call Tracking Software | 32 | 26.34375 | 295.8125 |
Campaign Management Software | 88 | 41.75 | 3724.647727 |
Catalog Management Software | 53 | 31.79245283 | 1378.490566 |
Change Management Software | 9 | 27.55555556 | 481.6666667 |
Channel Management Software | 49 | 41.57142857 | 1696.183673 |
Church Management Software | 94 | 26.09574468 | 156.4787234 |
Church Presentation Software | 9 | 33.77777778 | 2001.333333 |
Claims Processing Software | 70 | 25.68571429 | 258.5142857 |
Classroom Management Software | 75 | 36.08 | 40335.16 |
Click Fraud Software | 17 | 49.23529412 | 78115.11765 |
Clinical Trial Management Software | 102 | 24.74509804 | 330.7745098 |
Cloud Management Software | 129 | 44.20155039 | 8748.116279 |
Cloud PBX Software | 7 | 22.42857143 | 232.5714286 |
Cloud Security Software | 25 | 61.84 | 1244822.8 |
Cloud Storage Software | 42 | 52.28571429 | 20537.64286 |
Club Management Software | 87 | 29.97701149 | 2139.586207 |
Coaching Software | 24 | 36.28 | 468.04 |
Code Enforcement Software | 11 | 31.18181818 | 206.3636364 |
Collaboration Software | 121 | 47.52892562 | 13585.72727 |
Commercial Insurance Software | 11 | 36.72727273 | 1987.818182 |
Commercial Loan Software | 13 | 26.61538462 | 413 |
Commercial Real Estate Software | 16 | 35.8125 | 388.5625 |
Commission Software | 26 | 21.92307692 | 121.8076923 |
Community Software | 58 | 44.53448276 | 10900.2931 |
Compensation Management Software | 34 | 28.88235294 | 2989.705882 |
Competitive Intelligence Software | 31 | 38.16129032 | 1737.516129 |
Complaint Management Software | 9 | 25.11111111 | 3876.333333 |
Compliance Software | 255 | 32.24313725 | 160603.0353 |
Computer Security Software | 63 | 38.20634921 | 12304.8254 |
Conference Software | 18 | 41.11111111 | 544.3333333 |
Consignment Software | 12 | 27.16666667 | 213.8333333 |
Construction Accounting Software | 25 | 16.44 | 1523.32 |
Construction Bid Management Software | 13 | 13.92307692 | 67.15384615 |
Construction CRM Software | 14 | 22 | 6726.785714 |
Construction Estimating Software | 76 | 22.5 | 1071.171053 |
Construction Management Software | 260 | 24.27307692 | 33631.52692 |
Contact Management Software | 52 | 29.86538462 | 2170.480769 |
Content Management Software | 328 | 46.93292683 | 29770.54878 |
Contract Management Software | 124 | 28.47580645 | 63294.41935 |
Contractor Management Software | 18 | 32.72222222 | 399.3333333 |
Convenience Store Software | 17 | 32.47058824 | 1843.294118 |
Conversational AI Platform Software | 107 | 37.96261682 | 1825.560748 |
Conversational Marketing Platform Software | 13 | 42 | 380.2727273 |
Corporate Tax Software | 12 | 46.58333333 | 3256.416667 |
Courier Software | 46 | 27.67391304 | 342.9130435 |
Course Authoring Software | 47 | 37.91489362 | 132682.8085 |
Credentialing Software | 13 | 35.53846154 | 1011.076923 |
Currency Exchange Software | 39 | 34.13968818 | 45298.65103 |
Customer Data Platform Software | 34 | 43 | 1086.882353 |
Customer Experience Software | 33 | 45.60606061 | 1135.424242 |
Customer Journey Mapping Tools Software | 9 | 43.11111111 | 1070 |
Customer Loyalty Software | 188 | 29.92553191 | 2556.308511 |
Customer Relationship Management Software | 603 | 29.11940299 | 7201.640133 |
Customer Satisfaction Software | 39 | 32.87179487 | 521.4871795 |
Customer Service Software | 100 | 34.12 | 2155.88 |
Cybersecurity Software | 57 | 54.12280702 | 5978.052632 |
Dashboard Software | 42 | 31.28571429 | 3170.52381 |
Data Analysis Software | 94 | 38.07446809 | 1593.946809 |
Data Center Management Software | 31 | 46.12903226 | 11456.83871 |
Data Entry Software | 10 | 35.4 | 479.2 |
Data Extraction Software | 100 | 34.28 | 774.58 |
Data Governance Software | 26 | 51.46153846 | 25610.11538 |
Data Management Software | 106 | 42.9245283 | 18501.33019 |
Data Mining Software | 10 | 40.4 | 22998.2 |
Data Quality Software | 28 | 40.71428571 | 9932.892857 |
Data Visualization Software | 91 | 44.15384615 | 17057.54945 |
Data Warehouse Software | 13 | 41.76923077 | 32693.15385 |
Database Management Software | 168 | 47.23214286 | 15793.04167 |
Database Monitoring Software | 5 | 62.8 | 2639 |
Decision Support Software | 35 | 22.34285714 | 493.4 |
Delivery Management Software | 36 | 27.88888889 | 327.4722222 |
Demand Planning Software | 17 | 27.35294118 | 547.8235294 |
DevOps Software | 32 | 57.375 | 7407 |
Diagram Software | 25 | 50.64 | 4190.12 |
Digital Adoption Platform Software | 12 | 30.75 | 325.25 |
Digital Asset Management Software | 161 | 44.27329193 | 18333.50311 |
Digital Signage Software | 207 | 25.7826087 | 38638.81159 |
Digital Signature Software | 78 | 37.65384615 | 1773.897436 |
Direct Mail Automation Software | 13 | 49.84615385 | 1378.230769 |
Disk Imaging Software | 15 | 60.13333333 | 15238.4 |
Distribution Software | 38 | 19.94736842 | 603.4473684 |
Document Control Software | 9 | 26.77777778 | 663.5555556 |
Document Generation Software | 29 | 38.4137931 | 9122.551724 |
Document Management Software | 500 | 30.526 | 21447.604 |
EAM Software | 10 | 40.3 | 64292.2 |
EHS Management Software | 129 | 20.31782946 | 219.0697674 |
EMS Software | 26 | 26.03846154 | 151.5 |
ETL Software | 26 | 41.26923077 | 870.2692308 |
Electrical Design Software | 17 | 39.05882353 | 6598.823529 |
Electronic Data Capture Software | 58 | 33.56896552 | 6292.931034 |
Electronic Discovery Software | 57 | 41.26315789 | 2397.070175 |
Electronic Medical Records Software | 62 | 31.98387097 | 765.483871 |
Email Archiving Software | 18 | 52.38888889 | 2478.944444 |
Email Management Software | 136 | 43.21323529 | 2071.933824 |
Email Marketing Software | 313 | 39.84345048 | 42123.47604 |
Email Security Software | 45 | 54.2 | 6440.422222 |
Email Signature Software | 18 | 41.27777778 | 1456.222222 |
Email Tracking Software | 14 | 49.85714286 | 3093.071429 |
Email Verification Tools Software | 56 | 38.28571429 | 1004.482143 |
Emergency Notification Software | 32 | 43.8125 | 2019.65625 |
Employee Communication Tools Software | 5 | 29.8 | 359.8 |
Employee Engagement Software | 195 | 33.84615385 | 16047.49744 |
Employee Monitoring Software | 38 | 35.13157895 | 1337.894737 |
Employee Recognition Software | 41 | 28.6097561 | 282.8536585 |
Employee Scheduling Software | 82 | 22 | 199.902439 |
Endpoint Detection and Response Software | 11 | 57.54545455 | 9486.272727 |
Endpoint Protection Software | 39 | 64.56410256 | 17525 |
Enterprise Content Management Software | 15 | 44 | 9916 |
Enterprise Resource Planning Software | 460 | 24.54130435 | 1397.982609 |
Entity Management Software | 6 | 48.83333333 | 1181.166667 |
Equity Management Software | 12 | 34.91666667 | 3374.166667 |
Event Booking Software | 14 | 40 | 815.5 |
Event Check In Software | 8 | 45.75 | 294.125 |
Event Management Software | 329 | 38.25227964 | 167693.7781 |
Event Marketing Software | 6 | 60.16666667 | 301.8333333 |
Expense Report Software | 77 | 27.72727273 | 1488.896104 |
Fax Server Software | 19 | 33.78947368 | 1795.684211 |
Field Service Management Software | 93 | 26.08602151 | 3696.569892 |
File Sharing Software | 14 | 34.28571429 | 2401 |
File Sync Software | 26 | 48.92307692 | 4595.769231 |
Financial CRM Software | 25 | 31.96 | 267.4 |
Financial Fraud Detection Software | 49 | 43.46938776 | 6083 |
Financial Management Software | 40 | 34.75 | 2557.825 |
Financial Reporting Software | 64 | 35.40625 | 2935.390625 |
Financial Risk Management Software | 71 | 24.61971831 | 3346.830986 |
Financial Services Software | 17 | 33.29411765 | 13327.70588 |
Fixed Asset Management Software | 91 | 23.06593407 | 1577.21978 |
Food Traceability Software | 34 | 17.27272727 | 318.1515152 |
Forms Automation Software | 105 | 33.62857143 | 1882.952381 |
Franchise Management Software | 14 | 24.28571429 | 167.5714286 |
Fund Accounting Software | 14 | 20.64285714 | 331.2857143 |
GDPR Compliance Software | 69 | 42.36231884 | 6472 |
GIS Software | 14 | 47.78571429 | 1750.357143 |
GPS Tracking Software | 27 | 21.33333333 | 197.4444444 |
GRC Software | 21 | 36.9047619 | 2574.714286 |
Gamification Software | 42 | 30.16666667 | 1135.5 |
Gantt Chart Software | 7 | 25.57142857 | 264.8571429 |
Gradebook Software | 21 | 30.57142857 | 269.3809524 |
Graphic Design Software | 52 | 55.75 | 34069.42308 |
HOA Software | 30 | 33.96666667 | 255.1333333 |
HR Analytics Software | 14 | 43.64285714 | 38852.92857 |
Hedge Fund Software | 33 | 28.42424242 | 797.5454545 |
Help Desk Software | 180 | 38.32777778 | 227031.2278 |
Human Resource Software | 533 | 27.48217636 | 1408.521576 |
Human Services Software | 23 | 17.2173913 | 102.0869565 |
IT Asset Management Software | 100 | 36.07 | 9267.97 |
IT Management Software | 118 | 41.04237288 | 12917.76271 |
IT Project Management Software | 6 | 41.33333333 | 226.5 |
IT Service Software | 12 | 30.08333333 | 320.25 |
ITSM Software | 19 | 33.15789474 | 769.3684211 |
IVR Software | 33 | 26.6969697 | 889.4545455 |
Idea Management Software | 84 | 30.42857143 | 13020.89286 |
Identity Management Software | 135 | 44.68888889 | 6073.822222 |
Influencer Marketing Software | 47 | 45.65957447 | 1253.382979 |
Innovation Software | 15 | 36.4 | 5308.733333 |
Inside Sales Software | 17 | 36.17647059 | 19560.58824 |
Inspection Software | 89 | 24.5505618 | 236.0786517 |
Integration Software | 158 | 43.32278481 | 7030.848101 |
Intellectual Property Management Software | 31 | 33.93548387 | 1178.064516 |
Internal Communications Software | 20 | 31.6 | 260.9 |
Intranet Software | 6 | 27.33333333 | 214.5 |
Inventory Management Software | 231 | 26.74458874 | 1086.04329 |
Investigation Management Software | 16 | 22.125 | 5971.3125 |
Investment Management Software | 180 | 29 | 1665.938889 |
IoT Software | 78 | 40.35897436 | 3177.333333 |
Issue Tracking Software | 37 | 36 | 915.9189189 |
Java CMS Software | 8 | 44.75 | 551.875 |
Job Board Software | 69 | 37.60869565 | 1613.289855 |
Job Costing Software | 17 | 10.94117647 | 52.64705882 |
Job Evaluation Software | 19 | 27.42105263 | 10874.47368 |
Job Shop Software | 7 | 19 | 43.14285714 |
Kanban Tools Software | 8 | 29.125 | 388.25 |
Key Management Software | 12 | 35.5 | 189.5 |
Knowledge Management Software | 114 | 38.59649123 | 71736.13158 |
Landing Page Software | 26 | 51.53846154 | 13868.53846 |
Lead Capture Software | 32 | 42.21875 | 50652.25 |
Lead Generation Software | 127 | 33.48031496 | 2559.606299 |
Lead Management Software | 127 | 26.32539683 | 277.6984127 |
Learning Experience Platform Software | 15 | 46.4 | 1441.4 |
Learning Management System Software | 423 | 35.68321513 | 22244.38771 |
Lease Accounting Software | 6 | 36 | 30536.33333 |
Lease Management Software | 35 | 31.74285714 | 53328.34286 |
Leave Management System Software | 13 | 33.07692308 | 415.2307692 |
License Management Software | 55 | 32.21818182 | 684.9272727 |
Live Chat Software | 182 | 42.23076923 | 2464.961538 |
Long Term Care Software | 30 | 16.03333333 | 169.1333333 |
Low Code Development Platform Software | 5 | 45.2 | 351.8 |
MRP Software | 34 | 19.91176471 | 203.3529412 |
MSP Software | 13 | 61.61538462 | 8872.846154 |
Machine Learning Software | 39 | 46.87179487 | 9474.25641 |
Maintenance Management Software | 86 | 22.48837209 | 287.5813953 |
Marketing Analytics Software | 52 | 40.63461538 | 1987.230769 |
Marketing Automation Software | 301 | 41.45182724 | 6138.843854 |
Marketing Planning Software | 30 | 35.43333333 | 5122.333333 |
Marketplace Software | 30 | 37.73333333 | 1115.733333 |
Meeting Room Booking System Software | 24 | 32.08333333 | 325.7083333 |
Membership Management Software | 136 | 39.02941176 | 403.5 |
Microlearning Software | 5 | 37 | 391.8 |
Mind Mapping Software | 9 | 61 | 15146.5 |
Mining Software | 24 | 31.25 | 111090.5 |
Mobile Analytics Software | 13 | 55.30769231 | 42227.84615 |
Mobile Content Management System Software | 8 | 50.5 | 991730.75 |
Mobile Credit Card Processing Software | 6 | 76.33333333 | 367160.3333 |
Mobile Device Management Software | 44 | 46.06818182 | 12291.36364 |
Mobile Event Apps Software | 8 | 41.75 | 325.125 |
Mobile Learning Software | 13 | 42.15384615 | 102413.6923 |
Mobile Marketing Software | 22 | 43.95454545 | 1127.5 |
Mobility Software | 34 | 46.58823529 | 14052.02941 |
Multi-Channel eCommerce Software | 37 | 38.89189189 | 433.1081081 |
Museum Software | 13 | 36.46153846 | 289.8461538 |
Music School Software | 9 | 39 | 2116.111111 |
Network Mapping Software | 15 | 35.4 | 1765.733333 |
Network Monitoring Software | 145 | 42.89655172 | 3909.910345 |
Network Security Software | 143 | 48.31468531 | 4653.111888 |
Nonprofit Software | 32 | 34.21875 | 2594.40625 |
OCR Software | 26 | 43.96153846 | 46176.73077 |
OEE Software | 13 | 28 | 1184.307692 |
OKR Software | 21 | 26.66666667 | 345.952381 |
Online Banking Software | 23 | 39.34782609 | 968.826087 |
Online CRM Software | 20 | 22.5 | 150.85 |
Online Proofing Software | 9 | 34.66666667 | 492.7777778 |
Order Entry Software | 9 | 25.22222222 | 118.4444444 |
Order Management Software | 100 | 29.28 | 3435.38 |
Org Chart Software | 11 | 31.36363636 | 577.7272727 |
P&C Insurance Software | 10 | 48.6 | 3614.7 |
PACS Software | 5 | 44.6 | 278.2 |
PDF Software | 52 | 43.38461538 | 30766.86538 |
PIM Software | 32 | 43.15625 | 17975.1875 |
PPC Software | 6 | 51 | 1387.333333 |
Packaging Software | 12 | 41.58333333 | 1035 |
Password Management Software | 36 | 45.05555556 | 6116.888889 |
Patch Management Software | 13 | 67.76923077 | 17865.61538 |
Payment Processing Software | 250 | 45.528 | 199211.632 |
Payroll Software | 157 | 25.14649682 | 360.2229299 |
Performance Appraisal Software | 73 | 24.94520548 | 1641.506849 |
Permit Software | 9 | 25.11111111 | 309 |
Personalization Software | 47 | 40 | 530.1276596 |
Point of Sale Software | 364 | 27.68681319 | 3115.703297 |
Policy Management Software | 17 | 31.29411765 | 5822.294118 |
Polling Software | 11 | 39.72727273 | 721010 |
Portal Software | 35 | 43.48571429 | 14070 |
Pre-employment Testing Software | 85 | 33.49411765 | 2181.211765 |
Predictive Analytics Software | 60 | 35.4 | 5343.05 |
Predictive Dialer Software | 22 | 24.63636364 | 181.5909091 |
Presentation Software | 72 | 46.22222222 | 660212.2083 |
Pricing Optimization Software | 71 | 30.64788732 | 112301.1831 |
Print Estimating Software | 43 | 18.51162791 | 1310.651163 |
Privileged Access Management Software | 22 | 52.40909091 | 7323.545455 |
Procurement Software | 140 | 24.91428571 | 552.7785714 |
Product Configurator Software | 69 | 30.15942029 | 303.5507246 |
Product Data Management Software | 16 | 32.9375 | 754.6875 |
Product Lifecycle Management Software | 43 | 40.27906977 | 8072.116279 |
Product Management Software | 17 | 34.35294118 | 22145.11765 |
Product Roadmap Software | 15 | 29.4 | 383.8666667 |
Production Scheduling Software | 47 | 23.87234043 | 568.7234043 |
Productivity Software | 81 | 36.48148148 | 583425.4815 |
Professional Services Automation Software | 37 | 25.91891892 | 7680.621622 |
Project Management Software | 563 | 29.5026643 | 3508.113677 |
Project Planning Software | 15 | 22.6 | 655.2666667 |
Project Portfolio Management Software | 41 | 23.12195122 | 8681.146341 |
Project Tracking Software | 14 | 29.71428571 | 455.2142857 |
Proofreading Software | 19 | 57.26315789 | 6085.263158 |
Proposal Management Software | 52 | 21.13461538 | 502.3269231 |
Prototyping Software | 9 | 58.66666667 | 149267.5556 |
Public Relations Software | 48 | 52.64583333 | 4364.3125 |
Publishing and Subscriptions Software | 70 | 38.78571429 | 1066.342857 |
Punch List Software | 9 | 22.66666667 | 100.6666667 |
Purchasing Software | 28 | 29.7037037 | 501.7407407 |
Push Notifications Software | 55 | 37.58181818 | 2609 |
Qualitative Data Analysis Software | 18 | 41.5 | 651 |
Quality Management Software | 151 | 24.56291391 | 441.6357616 |
Quoting Software | 70 | 22.81428571 | 3925.857143 |
RDBMS Software | 5 | 57.8 | 15962.6 |
Real Estate Agency Software | 70 | 34.37142857 | 4435.157143 |
Real Estate CMA Software | 12 | 46.83333333 | 1073.083333 |
Real Estate CRM Software | 58 | 40.22413793 | 1277.982759 |
Real Estate Property Management Software | 202 | 30.48019802 | 1974.638614 |
Real Estate Transaction Management Software | 8 | 29.625 | 338.375 |
Recruiting Agency Software | 26 | 21.84615385 | 158.0384615 |
Recruiting Software | 148 | 29.43918919 | 54428.19595 |
Recurring Billing Software | 27 | 38.92592593 | 659.2962963 |
Recycling Software | 8 | 19.5 | 923.25 |
Reference Check Software | 7 | 28.42857143 | 248 |
Referral Software | 6 | 33.5 | 410.6666667 |
Registration Software | 52 | 38.65384615 | 322.4230769 |
Relocation Software | 11 | 25.18181818 | 156.2727273 |
Remote Monitoring and Management Software | 6 | 21.16666667 | 3496.833333 |
Remote Support Software | 34 | 50.55882353 | 5120.705882 |
Reporting Software | 62 | 45.27419355 | 7959.83871 |
Reputation Management Software | 82 | 35.29268293 | 97429.10976 |
Requirements Management Software | 28 | 30.35714286 | 4147.607143 |
Reservations Software | 178 | 36.67977528 | 729.5 |
Resource Management Software | 26 | 26.88461538 | 846 |
Restaurant Management Software | 197 | 30.05076142 | 1387.390863 |
Restaurant POS Software | 128 | 26.4609375 | 319.0703125 |
Retail Management Systems Software | 133 | 24.23308271 | 917.5714286 |
Retail POS System Software | 11 | 19.18181818 | 110.2727273 |
Retargeting Software | 15 | 51.13333333 | 1264.2 |
Revenue Management Software | 33 | 40.36363636 | 2968.787879 |
Review Management Software | 99 | 34.96969697 | 48289.9697 |
Risk Management Software | 208 | 32.86538462 | 2372.245192 |
Robotic Process Automation Software | 26 | 37.23076923 | 1192.307692 |
Route Planning Software | 56 | 29.48214286 | 310.375 |
SEO Software | 87 | 58.86206897 | 6328.091954 |
SIEM Software | 12 | 56.75 | 31316.41667 |
SMS Marketing Software | 163 | 33.60122699 | 603.4785276 |
SPC Software | 19 | 26 | 800.6315789 |
SaaS Management Software | 10 | 39.1 | 752.5 |
Safety Management Software | 24 | 21.75 | 155.5833333 |
Sales Coaching Software | 6 | 36.83333333 | 138.3333333 |
Sales Enablement Software | 93 | 34.5483871 | 3104.892473 |
Sales Force Automation Software | 95 | 29.63157895 | 1741.726316 |
Sales Forecasting Software | 23 | 38.17391304 | 15571.69565 |
Scheduling Software | 189 | 33.34391534 | 3930.449735 |
Security System Installer Software | 6 | 40.33333333 | 468.5 |
Self Storage Software | 16 | 38.3125 | 390.625 |
Server Backup Software | 29 | 59.31034483 | 5051.689655 |
Server Management Software | 38 | 46.65789474 | 38029.34211 |
Service Desk Software | 12 | 34.58333333 | 3193.833333 |
Service Dispatch Software | 22 | 18.18181818 | 211.5 |
Shipment Tracking Software | 17 | 33.47058824 | 449.5294118 |
Shipping Software | 88 | 34.30681818 | 634.9431818 |
Single Sign On Software | 9 | 54.33333333 | 10689.55556 |
Small Business Loyalty Programs Software | 58 | 23 | 337.8 |
Small Business eCommerce Software | 9 | 73.11111111 | 17749.11111 |
Social Media Analytics Tools Software | 17 | 41.23529412 | 1233.823529 |
Social Media Management Software | 78 | 38.05128205 | 1510.307692 |
Social Media Marketing Software | 160 | 44.475 | 3589.3625 |
Social Media Monitoring Software | 32 | 34 | 1251.34375 |
Social Networking Software | 50 | 44.98 | 1183.32 |
Social Selling Software | 8 | 35.875 | 41314.5 |
Social Work Case Management Software | 7 | 26.57142857 | 26.71428571 |
Softphone Software | 14 | 55 | 2467.928571 |
Source Code Management Software | 31 | 56.48387097 | 23021.06452 |
Sourcing Software | 16 | 34.8125 | 19956.875 |
Space Management Software | 23 | 30.52173913 | 805.4782609 |
Speech Recognition Software | 59 | 35.28813559 | 786.3898305 |
Spreadsheet Software | 16 | 55.375 | 3061044.563 |
Statistical Analysis Software | 79 | 39.01265823 | 4276.278481 |
Strategic Planning Software | 35 | 29.71428571 | 733.4285714 |
Subscription Management Software | 11 | 53.18181818 | 10061.45455 |
Supply Chain Management Software | 123 | 32.8699187 | 3450.081301 |
Survey Software | 259 | 37.21235521 | 184611.9923 |
Swim School Software | 6 | 32.5 | 208.5 |
Task Management Software | 103 | 30.41747573 | 2199.660194 |
Tax Practice Management Software | 22 | 48.95454545 | 3922.909091 |
Team Communication Software | 34 | 46.79411765 | 39927 |
Telephony Software | 7 | 44.28571429 | 1957.714286 |
Text Mining Software | 17 | 52.58823529 | 21305.23529 |
Ticketing Software | 160 | 43.475 | 27092.275 |
Time Tracking Software | 213 | 27.90140845 | 936.5399061 |
Time and Expense Software | 43 | 20.58139535 | 209.7209302 |
Timeshare Software | 5 | 23.6 | 688 |
Tool Management Software | 16 | 16.6875 | 109.125 |
Training Software | 43 | 42.27906977 | 11373.67442 |
Transactional Email Software | 6 | 42.5 | 37593.5 |
Translation Management Software | 60 | 44.25 | 1032.65 |
Treasury Software | 21 | 35.14285714 | 12079.04762 |
Trust Accounting Software | 15 | 33 | 1620.8 |
Utility Billing Software | 78 | 23.11538462 | 4436.038462 |
Utility Management Systems Software | 13 | 30.92307692 | 3880.461538 |
VPN Software | 33 | 58.06060606 | 11286.81818 |
VR Software | 21 | 34.0952381 | 428.3809524 |
Vector Graphics Software | 13 | 65.38461538 | 12430.38462 |
Vendor Management Software | 48 | 30.375 | 401.8125 |
Venue Management Software | 14 | 34.21428571 | 970.9285714 |
Video Editing Software | 45 | 51.02222222 | 4512.933333 |
Video Interviewing Software | 53 | 25.52830189 | 1225.056604 |
Video Making Software | 50 | 49.24 | 96796.98 |
Video Management Software | 7 | 50 | 2345.714286 |
Virtual Data Room Software | 33 | 34.36363636 | 1385.666667 |
Virtual Machine Software | 16 | 56.1875 | 11370.5625 |
Virtual Tour Software | 38 | 50.44736842 | 4031.631579 |
Visitor Management Software | 137 | 21.97810219 | 22128.85401 |
Visual Search Software | 14 | 51.42857143 | 7136.285714 |
VoIP Software | 59 | 36.01694915 | 3473.288136 |
Voting Software | 6 | 38.66666667 | 541.8333333 |
Vulnerability Management Software | 11 | 68.36363636 | 9922.727273 |
Waitlist Software | 7 | 32.85714286 | 186.2857143 |
Warehouse Management Software | 184 | 26.79891304 | 2066.679348 |
Warranty Management Software | 9 | 24.44444444 | 168.6666667 |
Web Analytics Software | 97 | 41.2371134 | 9349.525773 |
Web Conferencing Software | 76 | 48.80263158 | 28115.85526 |
Web to Print Software | 45 | 44.08888889 | 556.0888889 |
Webinar Software | 26 | 57.03846154 | 2614.692308 |
Website Builder Software | 179 | 55.3575419 | 19437.52514 |
Website Monitoring Software | 78 | 41.66666667 | 2617.025641 |
Website Optimization Tools Software | 20 | 50.5 | 12630.3 |
Wireframe Software | 11 | 59.54545455 | 2565 |
Wireless Expense Management Software | 7 | 24.28571429 | 141 |
Work Order Software | 23 | 18.2173913 | 95.17391304 |
Workflow Management Software | 249 | 32.0562249 | 34805.72691 |
eCommerce Software | 394 | 47.12182741 | 19012.27665 |
Spam Score
Spam score is a metric developed by moz, an SEO tool as well just like ahrefs which tells you how closely your site resembles a spammy site.
They have identified some factors that spammy sites have like the absence of favicon, absence of google analytics etc
You can check your spam score from here and compate with your category’s average: ( they use Moz’ api to get the spam score)
Category | Number of Sites | Spam Score |
360 Degree Feedback Software | 48 | 9.916666667 |
AB Testing Software | 31 | 4.35483871 |
AML Software | 48 | 6.0625 |
API Management Software | 38 | 4.526315789 |
Account Based Marketing Software | 16 | 5.375 |
Accounting Practice Management Software | 44 | 8.204545455 |
Accounting Software | 306 | 10.44117647 |
Accounts Payable Software | 61 | 6.459016393 |
Accounts Receivable Software | 24 | 8.666666667 |
Accreditation Management Software | 5 | 1.6 |
Ad Server Software | 39 | 4.846153846 |
Advertising Agency Software | 54 | 7.277777778 |
Affiliate Software | 59 | 8.779661017 |
Agile Project Management Tools Software | 16 | 5.75 |
Anti-spam Software | 29 | 4.172413793 |
App Design Software | 38 | 10.84210526 |
Applicant Tracking Software | 223 | 10.13004484 |
Application Development Software | 333 | 8.093093093 |
Application Lifecycle Management Software | 26 | 6.5 |
Application Performance Management Software | 66 | 6.787878788 |
Appointment Scheduling Software | 117 | 4.111111111 |
Arborist Software | 9 | 8.333333333 |
Archiving Software | 22 | 7.909090909 |
Artificial Intelligence Software | 123 | 7.066666667 |
Assessment Software | 30 | 8.433333333 |
Asset Tracking Software | 51 | 9.215686275 |
Association Management Software | 41 | 8.56097561 |
Attendance Tracking Software | 126 | 9.96031746 |
Audience Response Software | 13 | 9.923076923 |
Audit Software | 112 | 5.794642857 |
Authentication Software | 24 | 3.916666667 |
Auto Dialer Software | 10 | 5.6 |
Automated Testing Software | 137 | 8.445255474 |
Background Check Software | 32 | 2.3125 |
Backup Software | 69 | 5.362318841 |
Bankruptcy Software | 6 | 10 |
Barcoding Software | 53 | 11.75471698 |
Benefits Administration Software | 67 | 7.119402985 |
Big Data Software | 71 | 6.563380282 |
Billing and Invoicing Software | 276 | 9.300724638 |
Billing and Provisioning Software | 76 | 11.80263158 |
Blog Software | 19 | 6.631578947 |
Board Management Software | 31 | 8.096774194 |
Bookkeeper Software | 28 | 8.464285714 |
Brand Management Software | 29 | 8.586206897 |
Brand Protection Software | 11 | 5.090909091 |
Budgeting Software | 62 | 8.161290323 |
Business Continuity Software | 104 | 8.509615385 |
Business Intelligence Software | 177 | 6.079096045 |
Business Management Software | 189 | 11.21693122 |
Business Performance Management Software | 62 | 9.161290323 |
Business Phone Systems Software | 19 | 6 |
Business Plan Software | 22 | 7.5 |
Business Process Management Software | 157 | 7.624203822 |
CMDB Software | 10 | 12.3 |
CMMS Software | 85 | 10.16470588 |
CPQ Software | 10 | 7.9 |
Call Recording Software | 61 | 6.213114754 |
Call Tracking Software | 32 | 7.09375 |
Campaign Management Software | 88 | 8.545454545 |
Catalog Management Software | 53 | 8.79245283 |
Change Management Software | 9 | 4.555555556 |
Channel Management Software | 49 | 5.714285714 |
Church Management Software | 94 | 16.43617021 |
Church Presentation Software | 9 | 10.33333333 |
Claims Processing Software | 70 | 8.171428571 |
Classroom Management Software | 75 | 10.65333333 |
Click Fraud Software | 17 | 9 |
Clinical Trial Management Software | 102 | 8.617647059 |
Cloud Management Software | 129 | 5.92248062 |
Cloud PBX Software | 7 | 4.714285714 |
Cloud Security Software | 25 | 6 |
Cloud Storage Software | 42 | 5.452380952 |
Club Management Software | 87 | 9.91954023 |
Coaching Software | 25 | 3.04 |
Code Enforcement Software | 11 | 15.81818182 |
Collaboration Software | 121 | 7.190082645 |
Commercial Insurance Software | 11 | 4.181818182 |
Commercial Loan Software | 13 | 7.461538462 |
Commercial Real Estate Software | 16 | 5.125 |
Commission Software | 26 | 9.846153846 |
Community Software | 58 | 8.517241379 |
Compensation Management Software | 34 | 6 |
Competitive Intelligence Software | 31 | 6.451612903 |
Complaint Management Software | 9 | 0.8888888889 |
Compliance Software | 255 | 7.231372549 |
Computer Security Software | 63 | 7.349206349 |
Conference Software | 18 | 11.55555556 |
Consignment Software | 12 | 7.666666667 |
Construction Accounting Software | 25 | 10.76 |
Construction Bid Management Software | 13 | 14.30769231 |
Construction CRM Software | 14 | 16.64285714 |
Construction Estimating Software | 76 | 12.64473684 |
Construction Management Software | 260 | 9.111538462 |
Contact Management Software | 52 | 10.5 |
Content Management Software | 328 | 8.213414634 |
Contract Management Software | 124 | 7.919354839 |
Contractor Management Software | 18 | 14.33333333 |
Convenience Store Software | 17 | 3.941176471 |
Conversational AI Platform Software | 107 | 6.345794393 |
Conversational Marketing Platform Software | 13 | 11.53846154 |
Corporate Tax Software | 12 | 10.52153 |
Courier Software | 46 | 12.91304348 |
Course Authoring Software | 47 | 10.23404255 |
Credentialing Software | 13 | 8.923076923 |
Currency Exchange Software | 39 | 8.641025641 |
Customer Data Platform Software | 34 | 7.235294118 |
Customer Experience Software | 33 | 4.484848485 |
Customer Journey Mapping Tools Software | 9 | 4.111111111 |
Customer Loyalty Software | 188 | 8.872340426 |
Customer Relationship Management Software | 603 | 8.625207297 |
Customer Satisfaction Software | 39 | 5.333333333 |
Customer Service Software | 77 | 7.714285714 |
Cybersecurity Software | 57 | 6.649122807 |
Dashboard Software | 42 | 6.904761905 |
Data Analysis Software | 94 | 5.978723404 |
Data Center Management Software | 31 | 9.774193548 |
Data Entry Software | 10 | 5.2 |
Data Extraction Software | 100 | 8.01 |
Data Governance Software | 26 | 4.5 |
Data Management Software | 106 | 6.424528302 |
Data Mining Software | 10 | 12.8 |
Data Quality Software | 28 | 5.964285714 |
Data Visualization Software | 91 | 7.153846154 |
Data Warehouse Software | 13 | 10.23076923 |
Database Management Software | 168 | 9.5 |
Database Monitoring Software | 5 | 2.8 |
Decision Support Software | 35 | 8.942857143 |
Delivery Management Software | 36 | 5.972222222 |
Demand Planning Software | 17 | 4.647058824 |
DevOps Software | 32 | 5.625 |
Diagram Software | 16 | 8 |
Digital Adoption Platform Software | 12 | 13.58333333 |
Digital Asset Management Software | 161 | 8.440993789 |
Digital Signage Software | 207 | 8.507246377 |
Digital Signature Software | 78 | 5.615384615 |
Direct Mail Automation Software | 13 | 4.538461538 |
Disk Imaging Software | 15 | 5.933333333 |
Distribution Software | 38 | 12.18421053 |
Document Control Software | 9 | 14 |
Document Generation Software | 29 | 3.896551724 |
Document Management Software | 500 | 8.314 |
EAM Software | 10 | 3.4 |
EHS Management Software | 129 | 6.511627907 |
EMS Software | 26 | 14.5 |
ETL Software | 26 | 2.961538462 |
Electrical Design Software | 17 | 6.352941176 |
Electronic Data Capture Software | 58 | 7.551724138 |
Electronic Discovery Software | 57 | 6.807017544 |
Electronic Medical Records Software | 62 | 8.129032258 |
Email Archiving Software | 18 | 4.666666667 |
Email Management Software | 136 | 5.580882353 |
Email Marketing Software | 313 | 8.073482428 |
Email Security Software | 45 | 3.555555556 |
Email Signature Software | 18 | 6.166666667 |
Email Tracking Software | 14 | 3.785714286 |
Email Verification Tools Software | 56 | 4.714285714 |
Emergency Notification Software | 32 | 1.96875 |
Employee Communication Tools Software | 5 | 2.2 |
Employee Engagement Software | 196 | 6.780612245 |
Employee Monitoring Software | 38 | 7.657894737 |
Employee Recognition Software | 41 | 6.756097561 |
Employee Scheduling Software | 82 | 8.402439024 |
Endpoint Detection and Response Software | 11 | 5.363636364 |
Endpoint Protection Software | 39 | 7 |
Enterprise Content Management Software | 15 | 3.533333333 |
Enterprise Resource Planning Software | 460 | 9.626086957 |
Entity Management Software | 6 | 1.833333333 |
Equity Management Software | 12 | 2.833333333 |
Event Booking Software | 14 | 5.071428571 |
Event Check In Software | 8 | 4.25 |
Event Management Software | 329 | 8.662613982 |
Event Marketing Software | 6 | 2.5 |
Expense Report Software | 75 | 14.94666667 |
Fax Server Software | 19 | 7.684210526 |
Field Service Management Software | 93 | 9.301075269 |
File Sharing Software | 14 | 3.857142857 |
File Sync Software | 26 | 5.653846154 |
Financial CRM Software | 25 | 2.76 |
Financial Fraud Detection Software | 49 | 4.93877551 |
Financial Management Software | 40 | 10.875 |
Financial Reporting Software | 64 | 9.9375 |
Financial Risk Management Software | 71 | 6.225352113 |
Financial Services Software | 17 | 8.117647059 |
Fixed Asset Management Software | 91 | 10.42857143 |
Food Traceability Software | 33 | 13.12121212 |
Forms Automation Software | 105 | 12.32380952 |
Franchise Management Software | 14 | 14.57142857 |
Fund Accounting Software | 14 | 15 |
GDPR Compliance Software | 69 | 4.304347826 |
GIS Software | 14 | 4.357142857 |
GPS Tracking Software | 27 | 8 |
GRC Software | 21 | 6 |
Gamification Software | 42 | 7.285714286 |
Gantt Chart Software | 7 | 9.285714286 |
Gradebook Software | 21 | 15.33333333 |
Graphic Design Software | 52 | 4.884615385 |
HOA Software | 30 | 6.1 |
HR Analytics Software | 14 | 17.21428571 |
Hedge Fund Software | 33 | 11.33333333 |
Help Desk Software | 180 | 8.488888889 |
Human Resource Software | 533 | 8.928705441 |
Human Services Software | 23 | 12.95652174 |
IT Asset Management Software | 100 | 8.74 |
IT Management Software | 118 | 8.347457627 |
IT Project Management Software | 6 | 5.833333333 |
IT Service Software | 12 | 6.666666667 |
ITSM Software | 19 | 9.947368421 |
IVR Software | 33 | 11.6969697 |
Idea Management Software | 84 | 9.023809524 |
Identity Management Software | 135 | 5.259259259 |
Influencer Marketing Software | 47 | 6 |
Innovation Software | 15 | 4 |
Inside Sales Software | 17 | 9.470588235 |
Inspection Software | 89 | 10.85393258 |
Integration Software | 158 | 5.689873418 |
Intellectual Property Management Software | 31 | 7.548387097 |
Internal Communications Software | 20 | 8 |
Intranet Software | 6 | 3 |
Inventory Management Software | 231 | 8.735930736 |
Investigation Management Software | 16 | 7.1875 |
Investment Management Software | 180 | 7.444444444 |
IoT Software | 78 | 5.948717949 |
Issue Tracking Software | 37 | 13.10810811 |
Java CMS Software | 8 | 10.5 |
Job Board Software | 69 | 10.23188406 |
Job Costing Software | 17 | 20.41176471 |
Job Evaluation Software | 19 | 8.631578947 |
Job Shop Software | 7 | 5.285714286 |
Kanban Tools Software | 8 | 7.25 |
Key Management Software | 12 | 7.583333333 |
Knowledge Management Software | 114 | 6.149122807 |
Landing Page Software | 26 | 5.153846154 |
Lead Capture Software | 32 | 5.0625 |
Lead Generation Software | 127 | 6.677165354 |
Lead Management Software | 127 | 8.68503937 |
Learning Experience Platform Software | 15 | 3 |
Learning Management System Software | 423 | 7.971631206 |
Lease Accounting Software | 6 | 4.833333333 |
Lease Management Software | 35 | 11.2 |
Leave Management System Software | 13 | 3.769230769 |
License Management Software | 55 | 8.927272727 |
Live Chat Software | 182 | 8.252747253 |
Long Term Care Software | 30 | 9.3 |
Low Code Development Platform Software | 5 | 3.8 |
MRP Software | 34 | 16.82352941 |
MSP Software | 13 | 6.538461538 |
Machine Learning Software | 39 | 6.666666667 |
Maintenance Management Software | 86 | 9.813953488 |
Marketing Analytics Software | 52 | 5 |
Marketing Automation Software | 301 | 8.435215947 |
Marketing Planning Software | 30 | 8.633333333 |
Marketplace Software | 30 | 3.133333333 |
Meeting Room Booking System Software | 24 | 7.25 |
Membership Management Software | 136 | 9.580882353 |
Microlearning Software | 5 | 1.6 |
Mind Mapping Software | 9 | 11 |
Mining Software | 24 | 9.458333333 |
Mobile Analytics Software | 13 | 5.153846154 |
Mobile Content Management System Software | 8 | 3.875 |
Mobile Credit Card Processing Software | 6 | 2 |
Mobile Device Management Software | 44 | 3.386363636 |
Mobile Event Apps Software | 8 | 3.375 |
Mobile Learning Software | 13 | 8.769230769 |
Mobile Marketing Software | 22 | 3.863636364 |
Mobility Software | 34 | 5.205882353 |
Multi-Channel eCommerce Software | 37 | 8 |
Museum Software | 13 | 6.384615385 |
Music School Software | 9 | 5.222222222 |
Network Mapping Software | 15 | 4.6 |
Network Monitoring Software | 145 | 8.862068966 |
Network Security Software | 143 | 6.769230769 |
Nonprofit Software | 32 | 4.1875 |
OCR Software | 26 | 8.346153846 |
OEE Software | 13 | 7.538461538 |
OKR Software | 21 | 7.047619048 |
Online Banking Software | 23 | 6.347826087 |
Online CRM Software | 20 | 13.25 |
Online Proofing Software | 9 | 7.222222222 |
Order Entry Software | 9 | 9.666666667 |
Order Management Software | 100 | 8.14 |
Org Chart Software | 11 | 8.545454545 |
P&C Insurance Software | 10 | 6.5 |
PACS Software | 5 | 4.4 |
PDF Software | 52 | 6.269230769 |
PIM Software | 32 | 7.15625 |
PPC Software | 6 | 5.166666667 |
Packaging Software | 12 | 4.166666667 |
Password Management Software | 36 | 4.833333333 |
Patch Management Software | 13 | 2.846153846 |
Payment Processing Software | 250 | 5.296 |
Payroll Software | 157 | 10.43949045 |
Performance Appraisal Software | 73 | 10.53424658 |
Permit Software | 9 | 4.444444444 |
Personalization Software | 47 | 3.276595745 |
Point of Sale Software | 364 | 10.77197802 |
Policy Management Software | 17 | 10.94117647 |
Polling Software | 11 | 7.909090909 |
Portal Software | 35 | 7.8 |
Pre-employment Testing Software | 85 | 5.882352941 |
Predictive Analytics Software | 60 | 5.85 |
Predictive Dialer Software | 22 | 5 |
Presentation Software | 72 | 7.861111111 |
Pricing Optimization Software | 71 | 9.521126761 |
Print Estimating Software | 43 | 11.79069767 |
Privileged Access Management Software | 22 | 11.04545455 |
Procurement Software | 140 | 9.521428571 |
Product Configurator Software | 69 | 6.608695652 |
Product Data Management Software | 16 | 5.0625 |
Product Lifecycle Management Software | 43 | 7.511627907 |
Product Management Software | 17 | 4.470588235 |
Product Roadmap Software | 15 | 7.733333333 |
Production Scheduling Software | 47 | 7.191489362 |
Productivity Software | 81 | 8.024691358 |
Professional Services Automation Software | 37 | 11.43243243 |
Project Management Software | 563 | 8.95026643 |
Project Planning Software | 15 | 13.13333333 |
Project Portfolio Management Software | 41 | 6.853658537 |
Project Tracking Software | 14 | 5.071428571 |
Proofreading Software | 19 | 7.894736842 |
Proposal Management Software | 52 | 12.67307692 |
Prototyping Software | 9 | 7.444444444 |
Public Relations Software | 48 | 6.833333333 |
Publishing and Subscriptions Software | 70 | 6.271428571 |
Punch List Software | 9 | 18.88888889 |
Purchasing Software | 28 | 13.25 |
Push Notifications Software | 55 | 6.127272727 |
Qualitative Data Analysis Software | 18 | 4.333333333 |
Quality Management Software | 151 | 8.006622517 |
Quoting Software | 70 | 12.05714286 |
RDBMS Software | 5 | 18.2 |
Real Estate Agency Software | 70 | 7.971428571 |
Real Estate CMA Software | 12 | 9.833333333 |
Real Estate CRM Software | 58 | 6.465517241 |
Real Estate Property Management Software | 202 | 9.306930693 |
Real Estate Transaction Management Software | 8 | 2.875 |
Recruiting Agency Software | 26 | 6.153846154 |
Recruiting Software | 148 | 9.263513514 |
Recurring Billing Software | 27 | 4.481481481 |
Recycling Software | 8 | 9.375 |
Reference Check Software | 7 | 7.714285714 |
Referral Software | 6 | 11.83333333 |
Registration Software | 52 | 12.38461538 |
Relocation Software | 11 | 4.818181818 |
Remote Monitoring and Management Software | 6 | 10 |
Remote Support Software | 34 | 5.735294118 |
Reporting Software | 62 | 3.64516129 |
Reputation Management Software | 82 | 7.195121951 |
Requirements Management Software | 28 | 10.42857143 |
Reservations Software | 178 | 7.398876404 |
Resource Management Software | 26 | 6.730769231 |
Restaurant Management Software | 197 | 9.345177665 |
Restaurant POS Software | 128 | 10.15625 |
Retail Management Systems Software | 133 | 10.80451128 |
Retail POS System Software | 11 | 1.909090909 |
Retargeting Software | 15 | 5.466666667 |
Revenue Management Software | 33 | 6.121212121 |
Review Management Software | 99 | 5.939393939 |
Risk Management Software | 208 | 7.004807692 |
Robotic Process Automation Software | 26 | 4.269230769 |
Route Planning Software | 56 | 10.125 |
SEO Software | 87 | 5.413793103 |
SIEM Software | 12 | 1.583333333 |
SMS Marketing Software | 163 | 5.423312883 |
SPC Software | 19 | 6.421052632 |
SaaS Management Software | 10 | 7.3 |
Safety Management Software | 24 | 6.625 |
Sales Coaching Software | 6 | 3.166666667 |
Sales Enablement Software | 93 | 7.430107527 |
Sales Force Automation Software | 95 | 5.442105263 |
Sales Forecasting Software | 23 | 3.391304348 |
Scheduling Software | 189 | 8.42408377 |
Security System Installer Software | 6 | 3.166666667 |
Self Storage Software | 16 | 4.25 |
Server Backup Software | 29 | 4.551724138 |
Server Management Software | 38 | 9.631578947 |
Service Desk Software | 12 | 13.08333333 |
Service Dispatch Software | 22 | 14.40909091 |
Shipment Tracking Software | 17 | 14.41176471 |
Shipping Software | 88 | 8.784090909 |
Single Sign On Software | 9 | 4.333333333 |
Small Business Loyalty Programs Software | 5 | 7 |
Small Business eCommerce Software | 9 | 2.666666667 |
Social Media Analytics Tools Software | 17 | 7.411764706 |
Social Media Management Software | 78 | 7.102564103 |
Social Media Marketing Software | 160 | 6.0375 |
Social Media Monitoring Software | 32 | 5.5 |
Social Networking Software | 50 | 8.52 |
Social Selling Software | 8 | 5.375 |
Social Work Case Management Software | 7 | 7.857142857 |
Softphone Software | 14 | 7.071428571 |
Source Code Management Software | 31 | 7.741935484 |
Sourcing Software | 16 | 13.25 |
Space Management Software | 23 | 4.565217391 |
Speech Recognition Software | 59 | 4.983050847 |
Spreadsheet Software | 16 | 6 |
Statistical Analysis Software | 79 | 10.62025316 |
Strategic Planning Software | 35 | 7.771428571 |
Subscription Management Software | 11 | 5 |
Supply Chain Management Software | 123 | 6.495934959 |
Survey Software | 259 | 8.030888031 |
Swim School Software | 6 | 12.66666667 |
Task Management Software | 103 | 10.17475728 |
Tax Practice Management Software | 22 | 2.772727273 |
Team Communication Software | 34 | 6.852941176 |
Telephony Software | 7 | 2.857142857 |
Text Mining Software | 17 | 4.352941176 |
Ticketing Software | 160 | 9.59375 |
Time Tracking Software | 213 | 10.14084507 |
Time and Expense Software | 43 | 9.488372093 |
Timeshare Software | 5 | 14.4 |
Tool Management Software | 16 | 11.4375 |
Training Software | 43 | 2.953488372 |
Transactional Email Software | 6 | 12.5 |
Translation Management Software | 60 | 9.55 |
Treasury Software | 21 | 9.761904762 |
Trust Accounting Software | 15 | 6.6 |
Utility Billing Software | 78 | 10.07692308 |
Utility Management Systems Software | 13 | 4.384615385 |
VPN Software | 33 | 10.6969697 |
VR Software | 21 | 3.19047619 |
Vector Graphics Software | 13 | 6.230769231 |
Vendor Management Software | 48 | 8.4375 |
Venue Management Software | 14 | 9.642857143 |
Video Editing Software | 45 | 7.755555556 |
Video Interviewing Software | 53 | 7.58490566 |
Video Making Software | 50 | 7.76 |
Video Management Software | 7 | 1.285714286 |
Virtual Data Room Software | 33 | 4.090909091 |
Virtual Machine Software | 16 | 5.9375 |
Virtual Tour Software | 38 | 7.526315789 |
Visitor Management Software | 137 | 8.364963504 |
Visual Search Software | 14 | 6.928571429 |
VoIP Software | 59 | 5.525423729 |
Voting Software | 6 | 5 |
Vulnerability Management Software | 11 | 3.545454545 |
Waitlist Software | 7 | 7.285714286 |
Warehouse Management Software | 184 | 8.086956522 |
Warranty Management Software | 9 | 10.11111111 |
Web Analytics Software | 97 | 8.979381443 |
Web Conferencing Software | 76 | 8.171052632 |
Web to Print Software | 45 | 3.022222222 |
Webinar Software | 26 | 3.692307692 |
Website Builder Software | 179 | 7.916201117 |
Website Monitoring Software | 78 | 8.423076923 |
Website Optimization Tools Software | 20 | 2.65 |
Wireframe Software | 11 | 4.090909091 |
Wireless Expense Management Software | 7 | 2 |
Work Order Software | 23 | 13.82608696 |
Workflow Management Software | 163 | 7.809815951 |
eCommerce Software | 394 | 7.649746193 |